A department of
There are two major things in developing successful extruders: the knowledge about extrusion
technology and about electrical engineering. For both fields Ematik has its own departement since
This is supported by several research and development projects that Ematik has initiated and
implemented on its own or in cooperation with other companies and universities, such as:
1994: Mass-pressure control with fuzzy logic
2000: Process units (barrier screw, shear and mixing tools, axial or spiral grooves)
2004: Development of direct drive (torque motor) for extruders
2009: Development of an extruder for High Temp. plastics PEEK
2010: Development of an extrusion line for producing medical catheter tubes of silicone
2011: Development of an extruder for producing foamed pipes for geothermal energy
2013: Development of an extrusion line for the manufacture of spiral breathing tubes
2013: Debelopment of an extrusion line for micro extrusion
Due to a lot of references, successful projects and training Ematik has become partner of:
Siemens Solution Partner since 2004
Wonderware System Integrator since 1998
listed switchgear manufacturer according to UL 508A File E303737
Many small and medium-sized enterprises as well as some large companies such as Continental AG,
Beyersdorf AG, Fresenius Medical Care, Siemens AG, Volkswagen AG, etc. are our trustful
This website SKETmatik mainly deals with the business of extruder technology. If you want to learn
more about the automation department of Ematik, please visit our site: